Nivea - Men Hydra Max Multi-Protect Deep Cleansing Foam - 50g
Nivea - Men Hydra Max Multi-Protect Deep Cleansing Foam - 50g

Nivea - Men Hydra Max Multi-Protect Deep Cleansing Foam - 50g

Price: TK175.00 - TK175.00
Minimum Order: 1

Mobile Number: 01715301328

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সাপ্লাইয়ারের তথ্য

Ratul Trading TEJGAON Dhaka Bangladesh 1 Years Verified Supplier


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Product details

Nivea - Men Hydra Max Multi-Protect Deep Cleansing Foam - 50g
New deep cleansing gel formula enriched with Provitamin B5 and Aelo Vera that helps to cleanse skin thoroughly and effectively remove dirt and excess oil, unclog pores & helps to prevent breakouts.
•Hydrates Skin & Retains Moisture Hydrates skin and helps to retain skin’s moisture to avoid the tight or dry feeling on the skin.
•Protects against External Environmental Influences /Aggressors
•Formulated with Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant helps to protect against premature aging and environmental aggressors, such as pollution and the sun.
•Suitable for all skin types.
•Dermatologically Approved.

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